Frequently Asked Questions - MIMU Assessments Registry

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions, about MIMU and its products including spatial data and maps, HDP Nexus 5W products, Baseline Data and other resources which support humanitarian, development and peace-focused activities across Myanmar. Feedback and comments are very welcome and can be sent to [email protected]

What information does MIMU hold about Assessments and Publications?

MIMU's Assessment Tracking records information on Myanmar-focused “Assessments” (i.e., assessments, surveys, reports and publications), as a resource to better coordinate information gathering initiatives, and to share plans, results, methodologies, data and expertise.

The tool includes information on the implementing agency (Who), the sectors/topics and geographic areas covered (What and Where), the method used to gather information (How), the products available for dissemination and how they can be accessed (What is available).

Agencies upload details of their own assessments and publications into this tool, including the description of how the information has been/will be gathered and what elements are publicly available (data, questionnaires used, etc.). They can then update the tool as their initiative progresses from the Planned → Ongoing → Completed stage.

Information on the individual initiatives is available on the Assessments & Publications page of the MIMU website.

How often is it conducted? Who contributes to the MIMU Assessment Tracking?

MIMU’s Assessment tracking tool captures information on the assessments, surveys and publications of NGOs and CBOs, United Nations, Red Cross agencies and donors.

Agencies can upload details of their own assessments and publications at any time. MIMU reminds agencies to update details of their assessments and publications every six months and compiles summary reports of records provided by contributing agencies.

How do I register assessments we are planning or have completed?

To contribute information on your agency’s assessments and publications to the MIMU Assessment Tracking tool, you will need a MIMU account allowing you to record and update details of the initiative as it progresses from planned, to ongoing, to completed.

How do we find information about Assessments and/or Publications in our programme area?

You can find information on Assessments and/or Publications in the MIMU Assessment & Publication page. This section includes two parts:

  • Overviews & Analysis – The Overview format developed by the MIMU team to provide detailed Assessment & Publication Tracking analysis in more user-friendly formats.
  • Assessments and Publications Dashboard – provides an overview of the submitted initiatives to township level, allowing users to select by agency, sector, title of Assessments & publications and year of completion.